Monday, 15 August 2011

Sympathy, please.

I figured a new blog post was waaaay overdue. It would be nice if I could say I've been so super busy that I just haven't had time to update this, because I'm oh-so-popular and my social life is just insane. But that would be a lie. I'm simply lazy.
I'm also royally pissed off. My long-suffering laptop has finally kicked the bucket, and my father informs me that I've well and truly destroyed my hard drive. So in short, I've lost everything, because like an utter fool, I did not back up any of my work. So every piece of work I've done over the last 2 years is gone. BOO. Yes, I know I have the hard copies of the assignments and whatnot, but I had other beginnings and endings and general musings on there that are lost for all eternity - including the start of my final year project, which admittedly I didn't have a lot of anyway, but it was a start and now I have to do it all again. I am so very unhappy. I'm clinging on to the hope that a phoenix will rise from the ashes, some great bolt of inspiration will hit me, and the work I've lost will pale in comparison to the supreme epic-ness of words I have yet to write.

I doubt it, though.

In other news, I have successfully established myself as the domestic goddess I always knew I was, with the delightful gingerbread men I have baked. If all else fails, at least I have the option of starting my own bakery, which will sell nothing but gingerbread men and tea. I know there are flaws in this plan, but it is all I have, and if you point them out, I might very well wring your neck.

In the meantime, here is a picture of just one of my culinary masterpieces. The pink icing is my favourite part. They're not so much an army of gingerbread men, but a show choir, I feel.

1 comment:

  1. I'm fresh out of sympathy, I'm afraid. And I'm sorry, but why didn't you back up? I'm SO paranoid about backing stuff up that I freaked out yesterday because I couldn't remember the last time I did it!

    But I'm sure it'll be fine. Fresh starts are supposed to be good for you. I wouldn't know, I've never attempted one.

    You can't have a show choir of gingerbread men. Show choirs are like Glee. Which is unacceptable. Did you hear that the movie bombed?

    Read my blog, dammit! xxx
